NDP 2024

In our 5th collaboration with the National Day Parade (NDP) Executive Committee, we partnered Temenggong Artists-In-Residence, a renowned non-profit arts organisation, to co-create 6 artworks with 40 student artists from 22 Special Education (SPED) schools for the 2024 NDP packs. The artworks, drawn by the student artists and composed by Temenggong Artists-In-Residence, express their ideas about Total Defence and convey their best wishes for our Nation’s birthday. The artists’ contributions also show how our strengths, aspirations and shared experiences are what truly defines us as Singaporeans.
Check out the NDP 2024 artworks:
Civil Defence
Digital Defence
Economic Defence
Military Defence
Psychological Defence
Social Defence
Civil Defence

Singapore is known for being a multiracial country, our people are, therefore, adaptable and can react to situations when necessary. We continue to believe in helping one another regardless of our race and religion. The four persons here represented different cultural backgrounds in a shared, harmonious society, ready to protect our people, our animals, our homes, and our communities, with the support of our Civil Defence.
Meet the Artists
Digital Defence

Digital Defence is arrayed here with elements from the cyber world, internet security and our robotic era. We must continuously educate our young and the elderly to utilize social media and technology appropriately and responsibly. By mentally preparing and protecting ourselves from online scams and falsehoods, we can instead utilize our advanced Digital Defence to its fullest and benefit Singapore and our people through practical technology usage.
Meet the Artists
Economic Defence

A garden city famed for its efficiency and sound economic reputation, Singapore’s Military and Civil Defence stability allows us to focus on being robust economically. This artwork portrays Singapore as a beautiful, modern city-state. When we are financially capable, we can seek suitable investments to maintain our country in today’s ever-changing world and promote biodiversity and sustainability for future generations.
Meet the Artists
Military Defence

The varied styles of painting our military state and the different backgrounds of our Regulars and National Servicemen. A solid internal and operational team will be formidable on the external front for our Military Defence, as we can deploy each serviceman’s strengths to their best in protecting our city-state.
Meet the Artists
Psychological Defence

Though Singapore is a young nation, our state-building involves taking pride in maintaining our defence pillars, uniting our people globally, and holding onto a shared identity as we stand together during difficult times to defend our country’s interests.
Meet the Artists
Social Defence

This artwork represents Singapore and our people. We will be able to respect differences in opinions and cultures with compassion and tolerance. Educating and sharing our art and cultures creates bonding and understanding, leading to a shared society space where everyone plays a part in upkeeping, looking after one another, and being kind to our neighbours and environment.
Meet the Artists