Our Team - Management
Ms Lee May Gee
May Gee has more than 20 years of experience in policy and operations work with stints in the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of National Development, the Ministry of Education, the Public Service Division, and the President’s Office.
Prior to joining SG Enable, May Gee was the Principal Private Secretary to the eighth President of Singapore, Mdm Halimah Yacob. In this role, she provided strategic support to the President in the discharge of her duties, and worked with diverse stakeholders
across the public, private and people sectors, including social service agencies supporting persons with disabilities.
May Gee has a Master’s Degree in Public Management from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and a Master’s Degree in Law and Accounting from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
May Gee joined SG Enable on 11 December 2023.Mr Ron Loh
As Deputy Chief Executive, Ron oversees corporate development for SG Enable, innovation for the organisation and sector, and employment and lifelong learning for persons with disabilities.
Ron spent 19 years at the Defence Science and Technology Agency, where he honed his expertise in pushing the boundaries of technology and problem-solving. He was the Director of Advanced Systems before joining SG Enable. His commitment to serve in the social service sector grew from his volunteering experiences with organisations such as Engineering Good, Singapore International Foundation, and National Youth Council.
Ron has a Master's Degree in Engineering and a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University.
Ron joined SG Enable on 1 July 2020.Ms Prema Govindan
Prema leads the Disability Support and Services Group and oversees the Independent Living and Caregiver Support Division.
With close to 30 years of experience in the healthcare and social service sectors, including a stint as Deputy Director at the Ministry of Health, Prema drives efforts at the ecosystem level, creating lasting impact on the lives of persons with disabilities. Her Group leads and partners the sector to provide pathways and support for persons with disabilities and caregivers across life stages. The Independent Living and Caregiver Support Division enhances support for families with special needs, and initiates change in service integration, accessibility and adoption of tech solutions through public-private-people partnerships.
Prema represents SG Enable in workgroups such as the SG Together Alliance for Action (AfA) for Caregivers of Persons with Disabilities and more recently the Disability Sports Taskforce.
Prema joined SG Enable on 3 June 2019.
Mr Jonathan Lee
Jonathan leads the Corporate Development Group and oversees the Corporate Planning and ICT-Ops Tech Divisions.
He has more than 17 years of experience in the public sector in agencies such as the Public Service Division, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of National Development (MND).
Besides having strong experience in human resource (HR) management and development work, Jonathan has worked on the planning and development of systems and capabilities to support municipal services – notably the setting up of MND’s Municipal Services Office – and managed housing policies for the elderly and low-income families.
With his experience, Jonathan will look to strengthen SG Enable's governance, HR management, organisational development, corporate planning, finance and facilities management.
Jonathan joined SG Enable on 1 February 2024.
Ms Emily Ong
Emily leads the Employment and Lifelong Learning (ELL) Group and oversees the Enabling Village Division.
Throughout her career, Emily spearheaded policies and initiatives, developing major masterplans and working with multi-sectoral partners to grow the arts, media, design and infocomm sectors in Singapore.
Building on her extensive experience in the private and public sectors, Emily leads the ELL Group to develop the ecosystem of lifelong learning and employment for persons with disabilities, and advocate for greater integration of persons with disabilities in the community and at work.
Emily holds a Master of Business Administration from the University of Western Australia, a Master of Design (Design Strategies) from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from the National University of Singapore.
Emily joined SG Enable on 1 October 2022.
Ms Ang Yunn Chyi
Yunn Chyi leads the Corporate Services Division, which oversees the organisation’s financial sustainability and supports the business units in day-to-day financial operations, ensures a safe and conducive work environment and oversees facility management for spaces and facilities under SG Enable.
Before joining SG Enable, Yunn Chyi had over 13 years of experience working on facilities management, tenancy management and development at JTC Corporation. There, she played a key role in the management of dormitories and development of recreation centres for foreign workers. She also managed retail and lifestyle clusters in one-north.
With her expertise in corporate services, she leads her team to provide timely and quality services that enables the organisation to realise its goals and objectives.
Yunn Chyi holds a Bachelor of Science (Building) from the National University of Singapore, and a Graduate Diploma in Human Capital Management from Singapore Human Resource Institute.
Yunn Chyi joined SG Enable on 20 October 2014.
Mr Edward Chew
Edward oversees the Service Development (Employment) Division, which develops new programmes and services that provide employment opportunities to persons with disabilities and build capabilities of inclusive employers. These include Enabling Business Hubs and the national Enabling Mark accreditation.
With more than 20 years of experience in the tourism and hospitality industry, he developed and executed strategic tourism promotion and marketing campaigns for Singapore during his time with the Singapore Tourism Board. He also spent six years with Resorts World Sentosa where he gained extensive experience in strategy, marketing and partnerships, government relations and resort development.
He made the switch to the people sector in 2023 when he was an Associate Consultant with SG Enable’s Employment and Employability Division.
Edward joined
SG Enable as a Director on 18 March 2024.
Ms Chia Ai Ling
Ai Ling currently leads the Communications and Partnerships Division to drive strategic communications for the organisation and build strategic partnerships to fulfill SG Enable’s mission.
With 14 years of experience as an educator, Ai Ling has led curriculum, pedagogical and assessment changes at both school and national level. Her experience as a Vice Principal in a special education school gave her a deep understanding of the challenges faced by people with disabilities. In her different roles at SG Enable, Ai Ling gained valuable insights that now guide her in creating collaborative and impactful partnerships for a more inclusive society.
Ai Ling holds a Master of Arts in Literary Studies from National University of Singapore and is a certified adult educator and trainer.
Ai Ling joined SG Enable on 1 August 2013.
Ms Chloe Huang
Chloe oversees the Service Coordination and Advice Division, which supports persons with disabilities and their caregivers with information and referral services. She also leads the team in charge of the development of the first Enabling Services Hub, which conducts outreach and aims to develop a stronger ecosystem of support for persons with disabilities in the community.
Seconded to SG Enable from the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF), Chloe has experience in elderly and disability policy, as well as in early intervention programmes. In 2015, she was part of the founding team that set up raiSE (Singapore Centre for Social Enterprise) to strengthen support for social entrepreneurs in Singapore. With a trailblazer spirit and stakeholder management skills, her experience enables her to spearhead new initiatives for persons with disabilities.
Chloe holds a Master of Science in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from University of California, Berkeley.
Chloe joined SG Enable on 1 May 2021.
Mr Lee Yew Cheong
Yew Cheong leads the Service Administration Division, which administers funds and schemes that support the needs of persons with disabilities and manages service standards for government-funded programmes.
Yew Cheong’s previous work experience with Singapore National Employer Federation saw him working closely with tripartite partners like trade unions and employers to support the employment of vulnerable workers such as mature workers, return-to-work moms, and persons with disabilities. This stood him in good stead in his initial years with SG Enable where he promoted inclusive employment, and he subsequently also supported caregivers of persons with disabilities in his different roles in SG Enable, including leading the development of the Caregivers Pod at Enabling Village.
Yew Cheong joined SG Enable on 1 October 2013.
Ms Teo Lee Pin
Lee Pin leads the Human Capital and Organisational Development Division, driving talent attraction and retention, workforce development and organisational development for SG Enable.
She has a wealth of experience in Human Resource, Policy and Planning within the public sector, including a memorable stint as a counsellor in the Singapore Prison Service where she worked with various stakeholders to uplift individuals and families.
Lee Pin holds a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Chinese Studies) from the National University of Singapore and is a certified Career Coach and MBTI trainer. She is an IHRP Senior Professional (IRHP-SP) and has a Graduate Diploma in Leading and Sustaining Change.
Lee Pin joined SG Enable on 9 October 2023.