Disability Professionals Network

The Disability Professionals Network (DPN) is a forum led by SG Enable where organisations, professionals, and other stakeholders in the disability space can learn and share on matters regarding disability policy and practice, and work together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual support, to deliver more coordinated and impactful services to persons with disabilities.

What the DPN does

We promote the sharing and adoption of good practices through:
  • Dissemination or sharing of good practices, research and survey findings, etc. among DPN participants;
  • Collaborations to develop innovative and impactful solutions and trials;
  • Tackling key topics of interest identified among DPN participants; and
  • Forming resource panels or mentors to support other DPN participants in research, new product development, etc.
We promote conversations around disability policy through:
  • Open sharing of gaps, issues, and concerns; and
  • Discussions with policymakers on policy matters and needs of persons with disabilities.

Activities organised

As part of the engagements under the Enabling Masterplan 2030, two focus group discussions were organised in 2021, to gather feedback that will shape the key focus areas and desired goals for a more inclusive Singapore by 2030. The sessions were attended by more than 160 disability professionals from organisations such as special education schools and social service agencies serving persons with disabilities.

Zoom screenshot showing four DPN members – key representatives from NCSS, MDAS, MINDS and AWWA – at a panel discussion with a sign language interpreter.
Zoom screenshot showing a DPN member presenting a slide with ideas in post-it notes about what else can be done to raise public awareness and improve public attitudes towards persons with disabilities.