5th Enabling Employers Awards See Record Number of Recipients

26 Jul 2019

SINGAPORE, 26 JULY 2019 The biennial Enabling Employers Awards (EEA) has returned this year, with a record 111 winners, an increase of over 50 per cent from 2017. Organised by SG Enable, these national Awards recognise the collective effort of organisations and individuals who have demonstrated commitment towards hiring and integrating persons with disabilities in the workforce.

The top employer and individual awards were presented by Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for Social and Family Development, to over 30 winners. More than 70 employers were also recognised for their inclusive hiring efforts and received certificates from Mr Sam Tan, Minister of State for Social and Family Development.

The Awards ceremony, now in its fifth edition, was held at The Pan Pacific Singapore. 

50% increase in winners, greater support for inclusive employment

Since the first edition of the EEA in 2011, more organisations and individuals, from both the public and private sectors, have contributed to building an inclusive workforce. Among the companies that submitted their applications this year, 70 per cent of them did not participate in the past two editions of the Awards. The new applicants included companies from established industries such as financial services as well, as growth industries like information and communications.

The bigger pool of nominations received for the individual award categories – Enabling Champion, Enabling Buddy and Exemplary Employee – this year has led to more winners being recognised. The evaluation panel noted that individuals play imperative roles in sustaining organisations’ efforts of inclusive hiring and encouraging more persons with disabilities to step forward to seek employment and thrive in their workplaces.

Ms Ku Geok Boon, Chief Executive Officer, SG Enable, said: “We are heartened by how more employers, industry champions and co-workers in Singapore have come forward to hire and integrate persons with disabilities in the workplace. We would also like to celebrate the outstanding contributions of persons with disabilities in their fields of work, and in playing a pivotal role to catalyse a cultural change in organisations.”

National Library Board and Siloso Beach Resort win top accolades

The National Library Board and Siloso Beach Resort received the Leader Awards, the highest accolade of the Enabling Employers Awards. Each of them has engaged about 20 employees with disabilities and over 70 per cent of them have worked with these organisations for more than a year.

The National Library Board has undertaken significant efforts in job redesign, using assistive technology and collaborating with social service agency partners to support employees with disabilities. Its employees with disabilities carry out digitisation work and shelving of library materials. Its infrastructure and services are also inclusive, easily accessible and user-friendly for all communities in Singapore.

Mrs Elaine Ng, Chief Executive Officer, National Library Board, said: “Over the years, our libraries have provided opportunities for many to read and learn and to join us in this mission. We are happy to be a place where all are able to contribute.”

Siloso Beach Resort has given its employees with disabilities career development opportunities and organised training for co-workers so they can work more effectively with their colleagues with disabilities. It has persons with disabilities in various roles, such as waiters, housekeeping, telephone operators. It also has extensive publicity efforts in the resort to inform guests of its inclusive hiring efforts.

Mr Kelvin Ng, Managing Director, Siloso Beach Resort, said: “We are very happy with the progress of our initiative to hire persons with disabilities, especially seeing the benefits in their lives. That we are now recognised with the Leader Award is far beyond our expectations and an honour for everyone at our resort.”

Meanwhile, 4th EEA Leader Award winner UOB leads the way again in winning the Innovation Award at the 5th EEA for its 'The Unlimited' initiative. Ms Gan Ai Im, Managing Director and Head of Group Brand, UOB, said: “Through ‘The Unlimited’, we want to encourage more companies to open their minds to the possibilities of and opportunities from inclusive hiring. In creating meaningful and sustainable employment, we want to integrate persons with disabilities into the Singapore workforce."

For the full list of award recipients, click here.