Person squatting down and holding up a broken line, with an apologetic look, saying

Oops! It looks like the page you're looking for does not exist anymore.

It may be because we have migrated to a new website content platform, together with the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF). Our new SG Enable corporate website takes effect from 31st March 2022.

Please use the navigation above to explore our website. Alternatively, you may find the links below helpful during this period of transition:

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We hope that you will find our new SG Enable website more intuitive and comprehensive.

Links from SG Enable Corporate website (before 1 Apr 2022)

If you are searching based on previous categories:

If you are searching as:


Our Initiatives

Links from the Disability Employment Website

If you are searching based on previous categories:

If you are searching as:

You can also continue to contact us via Get In Touch.